Three Weeks Down..


How has three weeks of my life gone by this quickly

This post is just going to be about the highs and lows of our first three weeks and mommy daughter duo. 

Let’s start with everything positive that has happened. These past few weeks have made me grown in ways I thought would take months to grow. I feel like I have been a mother all my life, I feel so natural doing this job. Our breastfeeding journey has been overall wonderful! I was so nervous about breastfeeding and if Claire would latch right. Claire has been sleeping really wonderful through the night, and by through the night I mean waking every two hours to eat and get a new diaper but then snuggling right back to sleepy. My husband has become a wonderful father, he’s better then I’ve ever expected and it melts my heart. I have started a great morning routine already, yes routine! We eat around 6 and finish around 7/730 (sleepy slow eater!), then I clean do laundry and do my workout! This whole motherhood thing is not easy, but it sure is never dull- and I love it 🙂

And so we move on to our negatives that have come. As I said our breastfeeding journey has been wonderful; aside from my over production of milk. This leaves one fussy, gassy, and upset baby on my hands after every feeding. My milk is too much for her so all she does it gulp and gag.. Breaks. My. Heart. We have tried different feeding positions, pumping prior, and taking her away to let the forceful letdown ease up but somehow nothing seems to be soothing her. I have made my diet extremely bland: I try to avoid acidic foods, fried foods, and dairy to see if that makes a difference. We also do gas drops with a couple feedings throughout the day and night. But yes, we have a fussy little newborn. I like to call her “high demanding”, constant attention, feeding, and cuddling. But it could always be worse so I don’t mind it too much. 

Over all I would say our first three weeks together have been a wonderful time. We’ve learned so much about each other in such a short time. But I must admit I am scared. I am scared that since she is so fussy that she’s never going to smile, or be happy. I fear she’s always going to pout and moan and scream and cry. I know she isn’t but it’s hard to imagine a different Claire. The Claire I know loves to cry. She’s not colic-Y, she’s soothable. 

Cheers to the last three weeks, and cheers to those up coming and in the future. I am so excited to watch our little girl grow up!



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