A Life of Disordered Eating

“She has become morbidly obese, but she is young so it only takes a few diet changes…”, the words of my doctor at 11 years old. I remember I wouldn’t even get into my mothers car after this was spoken in the office room. I was horrified, embarrassed, ashamed. I sat in the trunk of my mothers Ford Explorer crying, hysterically, as I pinched together my fat rolls. That was the first day I hated myself. Up until that point I was only semi aware of the weight I was, the diet I ate, and how I was portrayed. Hearing the term “morbidly obese” during an age where boys where starting to like girls, knowing everyone who saw me saw my stomach rolls, ruined a part of me I am still trying to get back.

Three years later I surrounded myself with not so nice friends. They poked fun at my weight, they made it clear I was the “DUFF” or in other terms “designated ugly fat friend”. I felt it every second of my life. I never had a boy speak to me, let alone crush on me. I was alone because truthfully I hated myself more then anyone could ever hate me. That’s where it all began, the restricting, the lies on eating, the starving to the point of no more hunger. I never let it out. Rumors swirled that I wasn’t eating, I lost all the not so nice friends I thought I had. I was loosing weight but hating myself even more then before.

I still often think about those days in my life where I would watch the saddest movies so I had a reason to cry without being questioned. I reminisce on those times who have made me who I am. I’ve become so much more aware of negative self deprecating talks and the affects on the minds around me. I hated those years, I wish I could take them away but I can’t. That’s probably a good thing though because without them I would have never grown the way I have. They’ve taught me so much on how to help my daughter in the years to come, but at the time they almost made want to end my life.

It’s funny how life keeps moving forward, and only when the years pass you see things in a new light and appreciate both good and bad.



When A Mom Needs to Workout

img_2798I had so many imaginations of being a mother. I would imagine dropping the kids at the daycare in the gym and getting my workout on. I imagined date nights away from kids with a trusted babysitter for a romantic time away. I imagined perfect sleeping babies who always behaved and went to bed without a peep. But the whole gym thing- that was going to happen.. news flash: it never did.

Here I am two beautiful babies, three and a half years later and I haven’t stepped foot inside a gym in nearly four years! It sounds pathetic but it’s true. With every intention, with every ounce of my body missing a good workout I was never able to get back into a gym setting with my husbands schedule. For almost a year it really hurt my mental health to a fault. I got depressed after my daughter was born, desperate for the moments of solitude and quietness of a gym with only my music playing in my ears. I missed the glimpse of my fit pre pregnancy body. I still do miss that atmosphere. However I’ve grown to see the bigger picture, it’s not about where you go to sweat it’s the fact that you do it.

Today, you can find me working out in my living room surrounded by toys and sometimes a crying child. I am determined to make lemonade from the lemons I’ve been given.

It’s had some advantages, too. My daughter acknowledges working out as something normal and understands it’s what I need to do. She attempts the moves with me and we bond over it. Growing up obese, yes “morbidly obese” actually..(that’s a story for another time), I am so grateful for my daughter to see being healthy as something normal, not a fad diet or a need to be thin; rather healthy.

Although I still dream of my lonely isolated workouts without drool and diaper changes while trying to stop toddlers from arguing over barbies, I am so thankful I’ve found such a peace of mind in working out and being healthy in the eyes of my children..One day I will be in the gym, and I will ache for the moments I have now.



Work First, Family Second

Military living is just hard. Nearly eight years and I still struggle being second in the world of my husband. “The needs of the service” is a term my husband has been using since 2012. It describes where we will live, the job my husband does, and the amount of time away from our family. Whatever the service needs is what we have to do. Sure, we get benefits… housing, insurance, stability.. but we loose so much time together. We loose out on being a family more times than we are one. My children have grown to know daddy at work more than daddy home, and as a wife I am more familiar with being a single mom than a married one. Even when my husband is home I still lack the assistance, more so because I don’t seem to need it. I am so accustomed to cooking, bathing, playing, doing all without help that when my husband is home it is more of a struggle than anything else.

I think that’s an aspect of military life a lot of civilians don’t comprehend. They assume it’s hard when the active duty member is gone, but so easy when they return. I wish it were that easy. It’s hard always. It’s hard when they’re gone, but it’s just as hard when they’re home. It’s hard to balance leaving and coming, it’s hard explaining to a three year old her dad is only home for a few days. It’s hard maintaining a schedule when your home life is unbalanced.

I am so thankful for my husband, the way he provides, how hard he works and most importantly the sacrifices he has made to keep this life for his family. I am so thankful for the US Coast Guard for providing my husband a job and us with the benefits it does. But the sacrifices are sometimes painful.

Maybe one day we will learn to balance our worlds, maybe one day my husband will be home more than away. And maybe one day I will learn to accept the needs of the service and live life more freely.



Best Work From Home Job!

Any other moms out there that worry about balancing work life and home life?

Raise your hand if you have ever stressed about daycare costs, the lack of independence as a stay at home mom, the sense of loss for who you used to be when working, or if you just want to make that extra $300 to cover some bills. I have been there! When I first started out as a stay at home mom I loved it. After about a year I felt lost, lonely, and I felt as though I lost so much of my purpose of life outside parenthood.

Fast forward two years and I am content, and happy, but most of all thankful. I have found such a wonderful employment opportunity in working from home… and by home I mean my laundry room that I converted into an office space! It first started as a drive to become more than “mom”, then it started as “let’s just see if I can cover the car payment”, and it has grown to a four figure income every month depending on how much I hustle– ALL WHILE MY BABIES ARE ASLEEP! YES!! ASLEEP!!!


Curious? Doubtful? Think I am going to sell a pyramid scheme? The answer to this is simple. VIPKID! VIPID is an at home ESL (English as Second Language) company. We are provided materials to tutor Chinese students in fluent English. There is no prep- there is no time to create lessons! We attend class and teach our slides. We teach 25 minute long sessions starting at $7-$10 a class, with incentives for $1 every class finished, .50 for every 30 classes and $1 for every 46 class per month! The hours are early morning EST (4am-9am) making it simple for moms and dads to teach while their little ones sleeps… Exactly what I do!

Two. Years! It has been two years since I gained my independence with this company. I have created friends with similar goals, I have provided a second income for my family. And most importantly, I have no had to miss a single moment of my children’s’ lives!

If anybody is interested in this (US and Canada) please reach out to me! This company is looking to expand its’ teaching platform. Please email below and click link to apply! I will happily assist you on hiring process if you choose to continue!

Email: vipkidbriannahughes@gmail.com




  • Bachelors Degree (ANY field)
  • Teaching experience (coaching, camp counselor, babysitting, teaching, daycare, ANY sort of experience with children)
  • Located in US or Canada, or have citizenship
  • High speed internet
  • LOVE Children!